02 September 2012

Is Theology Optional?

Brian Lee, writing in Modern Reformation:

"At lunch with a prospective church member, I described the process of joining our church: a six to ten-week membership class that introduces our church's teaching in its confessions, its worship and life together, and an extensive interview to examine a candidate's profession of faith and knowledge of the catechism. He shook his head and said, 'Man, this is a lot of stuff. Do you ever worry that the Reformed church is just for smart people?'"

Aimee Byrd, commenting on Lee's article:

"...our faith involves a confession - it has content. When someone tells me that they 'don't need to get into all that theological stuff' because they have faith, I ask them who their faith is in. Of course, they tell me Jesus Christ. Well, who is Jesus Christ? These are theological questions. We are all theologians, as John Gerstner put it in his book Theology for Every Man, the question is whether we are good ones or bad ones."

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