21 October 2012

Tim Challies on Busyness

In a blog post written four days ago, Tim Challies offers some wise words about the pervasive syndrome of "busyness".

You can read Challies' post here.

Challies quotes a perceptive observation from an article by Tim Kreider: "Busyness serves as a kind of existential reassurance, a hedge against emptiness; obviously your life cannot possibly be silly or trivial or meaningless if you are so busy, completely booked, in demand every hour of the day".

19 October 2012

Silence is Criminal

Conrad Mbewe, in a recent blog post entitled "Our Criminal Evangelical Silence", complains about the disgraceful state of many of the so-called evangelical churches in Zambia. He says:

"The disaster is the silence about all this from those who are supposed to provide spiritual guidance to the masses. In Zambia, and in Africa at large, evangelical leaders who have worked their way up the ecclesiastical ladder are holding hands with religious fraudsters and thus they cannot speak about this engulfing evil. They would rather throw stones at political leaders out there than address the Trojan horse within evangelicalism. They would rather tell the world to stop being worldly than tell those who are raping the church from within to stop it. And yet in the light of this spiritual tsunami, the silence is criminal."

Read the whole article here.

15 October 2012

New City Catechism

The Gospel Coalition and Redeemer Presbyterian Church have developed the New City Catechism. You can read about it on The Gospel Coalition Blog.

The whole catechism is available here as a PDF file.